Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Definitions

  • 2

    Music Publishing 101 - An introduction to publishing

    • An introduction to Music Publishing

  • 3

    What is music publishing and why is it important?

    • Chapter 1: What is Music Publishing and why is it important?

  • 4

    Understanding copyrights and how they protect your music

    • Music Publishing Understanding copyrights .pdf

  • 5

    The role of a music publisher and how to find one

    • The role of a Music Publisher

  • 6

    Exploring different music publishing contracts and what to look for

    • Exploring different music publishing contracts and what to look for

  • 7

    How to pitch your music to labels, publishers, and other industry professionals

    • How to pitch your music to labels, publishers, and other industry professionals

  • 8

    Building a fanbase and promoting your music

    • Building a fanbase and promoting your music

  • 9

    The importance of self-publishing and how to do it effectively

    • The importance of self-publishing and how to do it effectively

  • 10

    Exploring different music licensing opportunities and how to maximize your earnings

    • Exploring different music licensing opportunities and how to maximize your earnings

  • 11

    Tips and resources for new musicians entering the music industry.

    • Tips and Resources for Music Publishing

  • 12

    Music Publishing 101 Quiz

    • Music Publishing 101 Quiz

  • 13


    • List of popular indie music publishing companies with websites

    • List of "Major Publishing companies" based in the USA

    • Music Publisher outreach (email template)